This script was written to manually replace the automatically displayed artist and track title in the player, with anything else you may wish to display instead.
{ PAL Script created on 03/03/2017 21:19:56 } {==================================================} // ManualTrackInfo.PAL // This script will prompt for the Artist Name and track title // which will be subsequently displayed // This is designed when the audio source is an analog device // connected through the computer line-in or when automated // meta data is not available
var Song : TSongInfo; var TrackTitle : string; var ArtistName : string; var AlbumTitle : string;
PAL.Loop := True; PAL.WaitForPlayCount(1); if ActivePlayer <> nil then begin Song := ActivePlayer.GetSongInfo; TrackTitle := InputBox('Track Title','Enter the Track Title Replacement', ''); ArtistName := InputBox('Artist Name','Enter the Artist Replacement',''); AlbumTitle := InputBox('Album Title','Enter the Album Title Replacement', ''); Song['title'] := TrackTitle; Song['artist'] := ArtistName; Song['album'] := AlbumTitle; Encoders.SongChange(Song); end; Song.Free;
The player will display the original track metadata briefly but this will then be replaced with the message configured above.