
PAL Script - Manually Replace Displayed Track, Artist and Album Titles

This script was written to manually replace the automatically displayed artist and track title in the player, with anything else you may wish to display instead.

{ PAL Script created on 03/03/2017 21:19:56 }
// ManualTrackInfo.PAL
// This script will prompt for the Artist Name and track title
// which will be subsequently displayed
// This is designed when the audio source is an analog device
// connected through the computer line-in or when automated
// meta data is not available

var Song : TSongInfo;
var TrackTitle : string;
var ArtistName : string;
var AlbumTitle : string;

PAL.Loop := True;
if ActivePlayer <> nil then
Song := ActivePlayer.GetSongInfo;
TrackTitle := InputBox('Track Title','Enter the Track Title Replacement', '');
ArtistName := InputBox('Artist Name','Enter the Artist Replacement','');
AlbumTitle := InputBox('Album Title','Enter the Album Title Replacement', '');
Song['title'] := TrackTitle;
Song['artist'] := ArtistName;
Song['album'] := AlbumTitle;

The player will display the original track metadata briefly but this will then be replaced with the message configured above.

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