To be able to use your iTunes tracks, you will need to convert them. One way to achieve this is as follows:
Look under the "General" tab under Preferences in iTunes and go to import settings. Whatever is set here is the format that your library will be converted into so you could select .mp3 and then whatever settings you desire.
For example, you could select 320 kbps CBR (or VBR on highest quality), auto sample, auto channels, normal stereo (only need "joint" for really poor source material as it causes some degradation when it is used), smart encoding adjustments, and filter below 10 Hz. That reads into and plays fine on SAM Broadcaster or SAM DJ but you might prefer a lower bit rate for a smaller file size.
To get your library into the MP3 format simply list all songs in the iTunes window, select them all, right click, and choose "Convert to MP3". Please be aware that this will take some time and one customer reported it took about 15 hours for their 6000 tracks but they are indistinguishable in sound quality to the .m4a originals.
Note that iTunes makes a COPY in .mp3 in the original folder, it does not replace your .m4a original and it also does not list the tracks twice in the iTunes window.
Once you have done that, just read it into SAM Broadcaster or SAM DJ the way you would any .mp3 files.
If you download a new track from iTunes Store, simply find the track, right click on it, choose "Convert to MP3", then import it into SAM Broadcaster or SAM DJ.
SAM Broadcaster / SAM DJ - Importing Tracks from iTunes
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