This script was written to play the hourly time signal (the pips) at the top of the hour. To utilize this script simply download the time signal track at the bottom of this document, add it to SAM Broadcaster in its own 'TimeSignal' playlist or category and run the script. The PAL Script is also available to download from the bottom of this page.
For instructional purposes, this script includes comments describing the various sections.
// PAL Script to play the BBC Time Signal (pips) at 5 seconds to the hour through AUX1
PAL.loop := true; // Loop the script to ensure the time signal is played at every hour
var Player1 : TPlayer = DeckA; // Declare an instance of TPlayer and assign it DeckA
var Player2 : TPlayer = Aux1; // Declare an instance of TPlayer and assign it Aux1
var ActiveVol, AuxVol : integer; // Declare containers for the current volume levels
var TimeSignal : TSongInfo; // Create a container for the time signal track
if DeckA.Status <> psPlaying then
Player1 := DeckB;
TimeSignal := Cat['TimeSignal'].ChooseSong(smLRP, noRules); // Assign the time signal to the TimeSignal container
ActiveVol := ActivePlayer.Volume; // Record the current Active Player Volume
AuxVol := Player2.GetVolume; // Record the current Active Player Volume
PAL.WaitForTime('XX:59:55'); // wait for 5 seconds before the hour
PAL.LockExecution; // Speed up the Script processing
if TimeSignal <> nil then begin // Check to ensure the time signal track is ready
Player1.Volume := 30; // Lower the volume of the Active Player
Player2.Volume := 300; // Raise the volume of the Aux Player (with extra gain);
PAL.WaitForTime('+00:00:05'); // Wait for 5 seconds to pass before restoring volume levels
Player1.Volume := ActiveVol; // Restore the Active Player Volume to the previous level
Player2.Volume := AuxVol; // Restore the Idle Player Volume to the previous level
PAL.UnlockExecution; // Return PAL Script processing to normal speed
TimeSignal.Free; // Release the memory