This script will play the preselected number of adverts through the normal decks after a set number of tracks. The volume is also increased when the adverts play and is reduced when the adverts have finished. There is another script which plays X number of adverts after Y number of tracks through the Aux1 player here.
The number of tracks, adverts and both the normal and loud volume levels can be adjusted in this code segment:
// Declare Adjustable Variables
var NormalVol : integer = 255; // Set the normal volume level here
var LoudVol : integer = 350; // Set the high volume level here
var AdTotal : integer = 5; // Set the number of adverts to play
var PlayCount : integer = 6; // Set the number of tracks to play before queuing adverts
In this configuration, the script will play 5 adverts after 6 tracks are played. The normal volume level is set to 255 which is the default setting and the loud volume level is set to 350 which is maximum volume.
PAL Script to play Adverts between Tracks
PAL.Loop := True; // Loop the PAL Script
// Declare TPlayer Variables
var Player1 : TPlayer; // Declare an instance of TPlayer for the Active Player
var Player2 : TPlayer = DeckB; // Declare an instance of TPlayer for the Idle Player
// Declare Variable to Store the Playlist Rules
var MinAlTime : integer;
var MinArTime : integer;
var MinTiTime : integer;
var MinTrTime : integer;
// Declare the TSongInfo Containers
var P1Track, P2Track, P3Track : TSongInfo;
// Variable Declarations
var AdCount : integer; // Used to Count the number of adverts added and played
// Declare Adjustable Variables
var NormalVol : integer = 255; // Set the normal volume level here
var LoudVol : integer = 350; // Set the high volume level here
var AdTotal : integer = 5; // Set the number of adverts to play
var PlayCount : integer = 6; // Set the number of tracks to play before queuing adverts
PAL.WaitForPlayCount(PlayCount); // Set the number of tracks to play before playing the adverts
PAL.LockExecution; // Speed up the Script processing
// Record the current Playlist Rules in Case they are not default
MinAlTime := PlaylistRules.MinAlbumTime;
MinArTime := PlaylistRules.MinArtistTime;
MinTiTime := PlaylistRules.MinTitleTime;
MinTrTime := PlaylistRules.MinTrackTime;
// Set the Playlist Rules to 1 to account for multiple repeats of short adverts
PlaylistRules.MinAlbumTime := 1;
PlaylistRules.MinArtistTime := 1;
PlaylistRules.MinTitleTime := 1;
PlaylistRules.MinTrackTime := 1;
// Check for the Active Player
Player1 := ActivePlayer; // Assign the Active Player to Player1
If Player1 = DeckB Then Player2 := DeckA; // Assign the Idle Player to Player 2
Queue.Clear; // Clear the Queue for the adverts
// Add the required number of adverts to the top of the queue
for AdCount := 1 to AdTotal do
CAT['Advertisements (All)'].QueueTop(smLRP,EnforceRules);
// Wait for the current track to end if it is not an advert
P1Track := Player1.GetSongInfo;
if P1Track['songtype'] = 'S' then
// Capture the Track Information from the Active Player
P3Track := ActivePlayer.GetSongInfo;
// Check for an advert and raise the volume
if P3Track['songtype'] = 'A' then
Player2.Volume := LoudVol; // Increase the Player Volume for the Adverts
Player1.Volume := LoudVol; // Increase the Player Volume for the Adverts
AdCount := 0; // Reset AdCount to 0
// Count the Adverts before reducing the Player Volume
while (AdCount < AdTotal) AND (P3Track['songtype'] <> 'S') do
PAL.WaitForPlayCount(1); // Wait for the Advert to Play
P3Track := ActivePlayer.GetSongInfo; // Capture the next Track Information
end; // end for the While loop
// Restore the Normal Volume Level
Player2.Volume := NormalVol; // Restore the normal Player Volume level
Player1.Volume := NormalVol; // Restore the normal Player Volume level
// Restore the original Playlist Rules
PlaylistRules.MinAlbumTime := MinAlTime;
PlaylistRules.MinArtistTime := MinArTime;
PlaylistRules.MinTitleTime := MinTiTime;
PlaylistRules.MinTrackTime := MinTrTime;
PAL.UnLockExecution; // Return PAL Script processing to normal speed
// Housekeeping