
Terminology Definitions

To help you understand the technology behind SAM Broadcaster Cloud, we have compiled a list of some of the terminology used:

  • Content - this is your music, podcasts, promos, news, voice or any other recorded audio that you wish to broadcast.
  • Cloud - the process of moving operations and data from your computer to a cluster of computers hosted elsewhere to perform the actual work and storage.
  • The “Cloud” basically frees you from the hassle of maintaining hardware, infrastructure or software.
  • Meta-data - the information about your content, like Artist, Title, Album, Duration, etc.
  • Tag - most audio files contain a Tag where the meta-data for the content is stored.
  • Queue, Library, Playlists, Schedule, Library Filters - these are all internal SAM VIBE sections and objects that we will describe in more detail as the lessons progress.
  • Playlist vs. Playlist file. Often we will talk about playlists and playlist files and there is a big difference. Playlist files are physical files containing a list of audio filenames. These playlist files typically have extensions like .m3u, .pls, .wsx, .mil.
  • Playlists on the other hand are logical groupings of ordered content inside SAM VIBE and can be found under the Playlist tab.
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    Steven Conway

    what is this and what is the fix, empty result (Authenticate) (0)