
Players are Stuck

If your players freeze or won’t play a track when you load it onto the deck, your sound device may be improperly configured.

To fix this, click on “Config” in the toolbar and select “Audio Mixer Pipeline.” Then follow these steps:

  • Click the “Air Out” button, and an “Audio Settings” window will pop up.
  • Under “Air output settings,” select the proper “Output driver” from the drop-down menu.
    • This is usually “DirectSound” output.
    • Even if this option is already selected as a default setting, select it manually from the drop-down menu.
  • Also under “Air output settings,” select the proper “Output device” from the drop-down menu.
    • Even if this option is already selected as a default setting, select it manually from the drop-down menu.
  • Click the “Apply now” button followed by “OK.”

Tip: When using a USB device, always plug it into the same USB port before booting up your system. This will allow your device driver details to remain consistent.

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